
Circa 1991

Someone please tell me why my cheeks needed to see better.


Unknown said...

Fashion baby fashion!!

Dawn said...

hmmmm.... still thinking!!
but you look pretty cute!

Beverlee said...

LOL ! I never thought of it that way. You crack me up !

Tiffany said...

You could have saved that outfit and worn it as a Spartan Cheerleader costume! Too funny. You are brave. :)

Becca's Dirt said...

You look so cute!

~~Mel~~ said...

Great pics!

I love the new layout too.

Anonymous said...

So cute! I wonder the same thing about the glasses from back in the day. Mine covered half my face.... too funny.

Rosemarie said...

Thanks for the words of "been there - done that", guys!

What really is starting to bug me is how fat I thought I was back then. Ugh - I WISH I could be like that now.

Impulsive Addict said...

LMAO! Those are funny!! (I have some funny ones too!)

Cassie said...

You were still a cute little cheer leader! I had some huge glassed too. In fact, I just found my old aviator style work glasses from out at the power plant. Those things weighed a ton and looked like coke bottle bottoms. I guess the good thing about having cataract surgery is I only need glasses for reading now. ONE good thing about aging! haheha.