I got a new camera - but I'm not supposed to tell anyone because it's my Christmaspresent. So don't tell anyone I told you. And don't show anyone these absolutely amazing, awesome pictures.I am writing in a really small text size because I am whispering ...
(I don't know why I like this last one so much, but I do. Probably because no way in a million beans could my last camera ever capture such an image. I think it's cool.)
Answering your question....he doesn't work for OSU. He drives the big (semi) equipment truck for the football team during football season for the out of town trips. He LOVES doing it. Answering your ques. about the curtains that I made. Honestly....no sewing, just puffing and fluffing and tucking and HOT GLUE. I use the low temp glue gun and when I'm ready to take them down I just pull them off and the glue peels away quite nicely. I've done this before with curtains I had in my classroom...I use to teach. That is the method behind my madness.
I'll try to whisper too........nice photos and congats on your new, you know..........camera.
you crack me up!
Yea for your new "thing". Love the pictures, they look great! Is that the girls playroom? I want a playroom for my kiddos!
Answering your question....he doesn't work for OSU. He drives the big (semi) equipment truck for the football team during football season for the out of town trips. He LOVES doing it.
Answering your ques. about the curtains that I made. Honestly....no sewing, just puffing and fluffing and tucking and HOT GLUE. I use the low temp glue gun and when I'm ready to take them down I just pull them off and the glue peels away quite nicely. I've done this before with curtains I had in my classroom...I use to teach. That is the method behind my madness.
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