So let's gooooooooooooooooo .... :)
N is for New Header! Is that a cheat? But it's true - just check out the top of my page and you can see it!
O is for Organic Oranges! Andy's boss owns an organic orange grove in Florida - which means we get a nice pick of whatever he has in season. The girls love all things orange - and they loved these oranges, too ... (Katie is in the top picture and Maddie in the other three)

P is for Poppy! Andy's dad, who Katie and Maddie call Poppy, is hysterical with the girls. He will do anything to make them smile and laugh - and he gets rewarded with giggles everytime. Remember the Boppies from my "B" post? Well ... I like to call this composition "Boppy Poppy" ...
(Don't hate me, Dad!)
And finally ...
Q is for Quote. Here are two of my favorite quotes that my little girls have ever said ...
From Maddie ... about 6 months ago ... with a small little forlorn look on her face ... "I'm scared of afraid." Oh, it just about broke my heart. "Why are you afraid, honey?" Then she looks at me like I'm nuts: "I'm not afraid!" And cracks up.
From Katie ... last summer ... out of the blue one day when we we're looking out into the backyard ... squinting her eyes and tilting her head to the side with a smile on her face ... "Oh, look at that bunny. Oh, he's soooo cute!" She had never said anything like that before - something that was her own original thought about something else. Up until that point she (and Maddie for that matter) would agree with us, repeat us, say simple things. It was amazing to see her put two sentences like that together. We made her say it OVER AND OVER all summer long!
Have a great Monday everyone ... and for more "A-Z on Mondays" visit Jen over at Unglazed!
Boppy Poppy! That's a good one!
Adorable stuff here!
I love kid quotes! yours are cute.
My mother used to write them down whenever her grandchildren said something she liked. While cleaning out the old house with my Dad, I keep finding little pieces of paper in her handwriting, with a quote from a child.
Great blog!!
Love the header and boppy poppy. How cute.
Love those quotes from the are a good Mom for writing this stuff down!!
Boy that was a whole lot of catching up on A to Z Mondays! Good job...and those twins..I wanna hug them!
All of your pictures are so adorable...but I love the one with the girls and the poppy!
He he.Loved Boppy Poppy. What a cute photo for posterity.:<)
Cute pictures - although it worries me (I'm scared of afraid!) that in one picture there is a whole orange, peel and all, and in the next it is completely gone. Hmmm...
Great post! And I love the new header. :)
Boppy Poppy is seriously crackin' me up!! Too cute!
i love that boppy poppy :) glad you have found the time to catch up! i have been spinnging around truying to catch up on comments- life is good, but busy! great job on the new header!!
...and I am a bad host, but I am finally here!
Vacation gets ya everytime!
Glad you got caught up and added the letters that you missed.
love! love! the header -you are getting very creative with your new toy!
see you on R day. :)
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